Solutions > Emlid services

Services related to your Emlid equipment

Discover the services that will help you use the full power of Emlid products.

Emlid support

315€ per year

Personalized support

To reassure you in your use of the equipment, we have set up a French/English tele-assistance to help you directly. You are in the field, you have a problem? Our team will guide you to quickly solve your problem.

Simplicity and efficiency above all

How do we do it? It is very simple. When you subscribe to the annual support contract, you are entitled to 4 hours of telephone or video-conference calls over 12 months. To request support, simply let us know on WhatsApp with your name and contract number, and we will get back to you via audio or video, depending on the issue. Our contact information is available in your customer area.

Available worldwide, between 9am and 5pm Paris time

Official Emlid Forum

Join the Emlid users community

Did you know that there is an official Emlid users community forum? Thousands of people are there to answer your questions, including the Emlid support engineers themselves. It’s free and all you need to do is create an Emlid account to use it.

Find FB SOLUTIONS on this forum

Emlid Caster

Broadcast corrections from your base station to your mobile phone via the Internet.

The Emlid Caster is an easy way to transmit RTK corrections between your receivers via the Internet. Our caster works with the Reach and any other receiver that supports NTRIP. The service is available free of charge and works worldwide. You can use up to 5 bases and 10 mobiles at the same time!

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Emlid Caster
Emlid Studio

Emlid Studio

A cross-platform desktop application

Emlid Studio is a cross-platform desktop application designed specifically for post-processing. The application has the following main features :

  • Static post-processing : process the RINEX logged by a stationnary receiver
  • Kinematic post-processing (PPK) : get the trajectory of a moving GNSS receiver
  • Stop & Go : get a FIX on points collected with Emlid Flow
  • RINEX converter: convert raw UBX data from a receiver to standard RINEX format
  • Drone data : precise geotagging of pictures taken from a drone

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Support for your Emlid equipment

We provide technical support for all Emlid products sold in our online shop.

reach rs2+

À partir de 2,199.00

À partir de 649.00

FB SOLUTIONS, official Emlid dealer

By reselling Emlid products, FB SOLUTIONS wishes to make precise geolocation accessible to all professionals.

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How can you reach us?

Do you have a question? Do you want to discuss your project? Don’t hesitate to call or write to us.

Contact us

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